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Mellow gets 16 months - opinion piece by Nobody

Mellow gets 16 months
Nobody (Guru)2012-12-02 14:03:06

RE: Mellow gets 16 months
Booger Brown wrote: "In case you didn't notice by the 200 letters and the big shots who still think Mellow was a "great guy who brought a lot of money to the area..."

In my opinion, those 200 letters by 200 people represent 200 people who placed gain over morals- the end apparently justifes the means. That, in itself, is a sad

comment on the moral standards set by those who are in a position to do more.

As I often do, I quote the letter of George Baer, representing the coal barrons in the Anthracite strike of 1902- The letter captures the fiber of the people

who have a hold on this area and it goes a long way to explain why they believe they must rule. I firmly believe People like Mellow believe their right to their

positions come directly from their God and anything they do is in his name- and therefor above mere mortal laws.

"The rights and interests of the laboring man will be protected and cared for -- not by the labor agitators, but by the Christian men of property to whom God has given control of the property rights of the country, and upon the successful management of which so much depends."

Somewhere within this twisted morality is the fact that "the rights and interests of the laboring man" are not "protected and cared for"- but rather abrogated in favor
of the rights and interests of those "Christian men of property."

Let me add one thought that is a slap in the face to every taxpayer- Mellow did not bring one cent to the area that was not taxpayer dollars. Politics is done by

trading support of another's project for support of yours. In other words, the project that uses resourses most appropriately may not be funded but a project that

has no value can be fully funded, because of a handshake. That is the morality that we celebrate by naming bridges and buildings after these weasels.

I am frustrated when a public official is credited for "saving" businesses, "creating" jobs or "solving problems" with tax money. It's our money, not his. Except for the
money he gained from renting himself space from the building he owned. That's all his now.
"When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out." -Pastor Martin Niemöller http://nobodyscorner.blogspot.com

by:  Nobody@ http://ScrantonPoliticalTimes.com

For the entire file of letters in PDF form, one may download by clicking here. (long link @ https://dl.dropbox.com/u/73419741/Mellow_1212.pdf )  Size: 8.62 MB

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