a variety of charitable organizations & news on trending channel youTube.com/LuxForti


Saint Gasoline, F-words, OkCupid, and Pleiadians: what a spectacular matrix.

...on saint gasoline blog
the blog description: "a fine mixture of intellectualism and fart jokes"
"a skeptical eye for the gullible guy. Or girl. Or gender-neutral cyborg."

reCAPTCHA Mailhide: Free Spam Protection


i would have to say: neat. and free.
You'll enter an email address and they'll give you the HTML code that requires users to solve a reCAPTCHA before they can see the address.

They are SPAM stoppers! I say Score for the Good Guys!

The reCAPTCHA can only be solved by humans, so this stops spammers from gaining access to your email address through automated programs.

definitely neat.

reCAPTCHA Mailhide: Free Spam Protection

Falling in love in Italy

japan fw 2011 s/s - yuki torii international

they tune their top string to a d. this is bass loaded. orchestral. distorted. muddied out sound. jimi played in d. progressive metal. who are you to wave your finger. hear it building. guitar two strings. a scrrraaaaap. bass rickenbacken bass. every five years, an album. yoga. movies. in the dark. of the grid. it gets better. and better. better. KANGA

Tool Easter Egg/Hidden Track: Viginti Tres/Wings For Marie/10,000 Days Cross-Mix

Why Net Neutrality Regulation is the Path to Ending Net Neutrality | Hustle Bear - A Blog for Achievers - by Judd Weiss

Why Net Neutrality Regulation is the Path to Ending Net Neutrality | Hustle Bear - A Blog for Achievers - by Judd Weiss

Passing.tk - cloud web proxy

Passing.tk - cloud web proxy

"well, i'm gonna finish the game" I shall finish the game, Doc.

William H. Bonney: You remember the stories John use to tell us about the the three chinamen playing Fantan? This guy runs up to them and says, “Hey, the world’s coming to an end!” and the first one says, “Well, I best go to the mission and pray,” and the second one says, “Well, hell, I’m gonna go and buy me a case of Mezcal and six whores,” and the third one says “Well, I’m gonna finish the game.” I shall finish the game, Doc. ~Young Guns II

I lifted my arms, and twirled around to the music. I didn't know what I was thinking, but something just took a hold of my body and told me to do it. Maybe it was the only way I knew to get rid of some of those emotions. Most of them I'd never felt before. And then Delvunita Maxwell was there. In my arms. I'll never know if she set me up, or if it just happened to play out the way it did. "Lets finish the game." What more could I do? He wouldn't let me go to Old Mexico. He was right. I could never stay there. I'd be just another old Gringo. "You remember somethin' Pat. You'll never be me. You'll only be the man that shot Billy the Kid. Hasta La Vista."

"Hasta La Vista. You crazy son of a bitch."
I was a hero.
I was a god.
I was a legend.
I was courageous.
I was loyal.
I was Billy the Kid.

And I lived life with only one guarantee. I'll make ya famous.


"If You're Gonna Be A Bear, Be A Grizzly."

thank you elmo.
thank you too mr. lupo.

Reflecting on this Groundhog Day, 02/02/11, I find that the smallest miracles may be the most divine in spirit and influential to affecting positive change. As you count your blessings and swear your curses, name a "nano"-motivator or mini-inhibitor that struck a chord in your psyche this day.

On that note, your lucky numbers are 36, 101, 88, 13, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Learn Latin: luxforti


Madelyn Victoria James